THESIS Project Events
October 2012 : Meeting of the TEAM in Paris
June 2013: THESIS project: acquisition of the XVth century ms TM 536 containing the Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl' commentary on the Sentences
September 2013: First Annual THESIS Meeting for Reading Medieval Manuscripts, Colibita, 24-28 September 2013 photos
October 2013: Journée d'études dédiée au commentaire des Sentences de Nicholas de Dinkesbühl, 14 October 2013, IRHT
March 2014: Series of conferences on the Sentences at the University of Babes-Bolyai photos
April 2014: Presentation of the manuscript THESIS-TM 536 during the COST/IRHT Trainning School. Transmission of texts. New tools, new approches. 31 March-4 April 2014. photos
November 2014: Second Annual THESIS Meeting for Reading Medieval Manuscripts, Paris, 24-28 November, 2014 photos
February 2015: Séminaire du Centre Pierre Abélard 2015: Chris Schabel: Philosophical Theology in the Fourteenth Century: Historical Trends and Historiographical Opportunities:
3 March 2015: Monica Brinzei faira une présentation à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France du ms. TM 536 et de quelques manuscrits philosophique dans le cadre du Séminaire "Lecture et critique des manuscrits latins" de l'Ecole Normale Supériéure dirigé par Cecile Lanery
18 March 2015: Ana Irimescu: Restructuration de l'épistémologie dans les Commentaires des Sentences au XIVe siècle à partir de la distinction scotiste entre la connaissance intuitive et abstractive Conférence présentée dans le cycle de Grandes conférences des Archives Poincaré, Nancy, Laboratoire d'Histoire et de philosophie des sciences 'Archives Henri-Poincaré', Université de Lorraine.
March 2015: Les Principia sur les commentaire des Sentences: entre exercice institutionnel et débat philosophique, Paris, 23-24 Mars 2015
June 2015: THESIS' Participation to Kalamazoo conference on Medieval Studies
July 2015: Mid-terme report of the project
7 September 2015: Annual Meeting of YAE, Darmstadt: Monica Brinzei: Education, school institution and scholars-network during the late middle ages :
23-27 September 2015: FIDEM colloquium Cluj-Napoca
8 October 2015: Monica Brinzei, La réception d'Alexandre de Halès dans les commentaires des Sentences de la fin du XIVe siècle:
14-16 October 2015: THESIS project participates to the colloquium Habitus in Late Medieval Philosophy :
12-13 November 2015: THESIS project participates in Rome to the round table Les Savoir dans les ordres mendiants
3 December 2015: Monica Brinzei gives a talk at the Center for Austrian Studies (University of Minnesota) :
10 December 2015: Ana Irimescu defended her PhD at EPHE under the supervision of Olivier BOULNOIS :
16 January 2016: Monica Brinzei's talk at the University of Vienna: « Teaching theology and philosophy in the new university of Vienna during the XIVth century ».
23 March 2016: Monica Brinzei invited talk at the University of Edinburgh, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies : « New tendances in commenting the Sentences of Lombard in the University of Vienna during the XVth century »
24 March 2016: Andrei Marinca gives a talk at the COST-Training School, Amsterdam: “Definitions of viator in the Sentences Commentaries during the Late XIVth Century at Paris and Bologna”
24 MArch 2016: Ioana Curut gives a talk at the COST-Training School, Amsterdam: "Thomas Ebendorfer’s view on Jews and other heterodox religious communities at Vienna as reflected in the Prologue of his Sentences Commentary (post 1421)”
7 May 2016: Monica Brinzei participation to the workshop of University of Basel: Intersection knowledge. The Dominican Library in Basel (1233-1559): title of the talk: “Updatind Stegmüller: some Sentences commentaries from the Dominican funds of the Basel University Library”
13-14-15 May 2016: Christopher Schabel: Chaire Pierre Abelard:
17-19 August 2016: Mihai Maga, Luciana Cioca, Monica Brinzei, Chris Schabel participation to the workshop: Linked Data and the Medieval Scholastic Tradition, Basel
28-30 September 2016: THESIS project was represented during the XXII Annual Colloquium of the SIEPM, Cluj-Napoca by Ioana Curut (paper title: Sentences Commentaries and the role of the Pseudo-Arisotelian Liber de pomo in the De intentione Aristotelis questions about the eternity of the world) and Andrei Marinca (paper title: The Reception of Ps. -Aristotle's De mundo in Forteenth Century Sentences Commentaries).
1 October 2016: Monica Brinzei defended her Habilitation à diriger des recherches (title: A l'intérieur du genre: Les commentaires des Sentences de la fin du XIVe siècle et du début du XVe siècle. Une histoire de textes et d'auteurs connus, méconnus, perdus ou retrouvés). Jury: V. Ciomas (UBB-Cluj-Napoca); Ch. Grellard (EPHE, Paris), D. Poirel (IRHT, Paris), Al. Baumgarten (UBB, Cluj-Napoca).
19-26 November 2016: Third Annual THESIS Meeting for Reading Medieval Manuscripts, Coral Bay photos
12 July 2017: International Workshop concerning the Updating Stegmüller project in process (participants: William J. Courtenay, William Duba, Steve Livesly, Ueli Zahnd), Paris, IRHT
24-28 July 2017: THESIS project will held 2 sessions on some results obtained during the project at the XIV International Congress of the SIEPM, Porto Alegre, Brazil
23-30 October 2017: Fourth Annual THESIS Meeting for Reading Medieval Manuscripts, Cape Greco